Home "equity" is simply your home's value minus what you owe on it. Many of us have a rough idea of what our home is worth and also what we owe on it. Several years ago, 25% of home owners had a negative number, severely hampering their ability to move or refinance. Fortunately today, few owners are in that position as average home values have risen steadily for 5 years. I believe you should have a clear picture of these two numbers, and how to drive them further, as it can be a large percentage of your net worth. It can harm you, and it can help you, in house matters and in other life pursuits. Your home equity is an important figure - you should have more than a vague idea of what it is and how to increase it. Just as you closely track your assets and investments, this may be a higher priority as you can take several steps to build it, and limit your risk of losing your home. 

I am offering to assist you in focusing closely on (1) what your house is truly worth; (2) how to increase that value without overspending; (3) evaluating how to get maximum return on repairs and improvements; (4) comparing home loan options on purchase and refinance that work best for you; and (5) making that mortgage work for you. 

I offer these services for free in the hopes of earning your business in the future, and referrals of those you know in the immediate term looking to sell or buy homes. Consider me an unbiased third party on home improvements and loans, as I do not financially gain from the choices you make. I would not steer you wrong in these matters knowing that you may come to me later to sell your home, and I have to answer to my recommendations. Also, I can give you hard figures to track your home equity amount so you have a clear number to work with, which can benefit you in several ways; plus I can document your repairs and improvements for an easy record (now required by title companies for 12 month period prior to sale) of paid receipts, lien waivers and warranties when it is time to sell. 

If you don't own a home, let's change that and start building your equity for 2018. It can be exciting to watch how leveraging a down payment on a home purchase that is appreciating in today's market can dramatically magnify your net worth! Leveraging works in reverse too, I can show you how to be mindful of that. If you are not completely sure of how this works, take the time to understand this basic principle of finance. Another principle worth understanding is the magic of compounding - it is not just for interest on your savings, it works on your mortgage payoff too! 

Happy equity building!